[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Maghreb and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Maghreb Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to maghreb@jadaliyya.com by Thursday night of every week.]
Vers une profonde restructuration du DRS Riyad Hamadi explains the origins and causes of the restructuring of Algeria’s security apparatus, tracing this to the In Amenas hostage scandal.
الجزائر : سياسة الأرض المحروقة Adlan Medi reflects on the dangerous path of Algerian politics.
Le point sur la structure actuelle du DRS. Deuxième partie. Baki 7our Mansour continues his analysis of reorganization in Algeria’s military and government.
Allongement de deux ans du mandat présidentiel: l`impossible équation Tarek Hafid addresses recent suggestions that Bouteflika might extend his presidential term by two years.
«Les engagements de Sellal n’ont pas été tenus» El Watan interviews Tahar Belabès, spokesperson for the Movement of the Unemployed, as he explains new projects and tactics for the movement.
Libya: Lawmakers at Risk of Defamation Charges Human Rights Watch condemns the stripping of amnesty from three members of parliament, which will leave them open to criminal charges for having criticized other parliamentarians.
ليبيات 16.. ليبيا .. سياسة سيس Ramez Alnobar outlines the responsibility of the citizen in the face of corruption in the media and politics.
Libya: addressing the country’s porous borders The North Africa Post reports that Libya is working with private security companies to address security situation, particularly on the southern border.
Bani Walid not at peace yet Valerie Stocker offers a snapshot of Bani Walid, one year after state forces entered and “subdued” the former Gaddafi stronghold.
Libya battalions run private prisons Magharebia interviews Nasser Houari, founder of the Libyan Observatory for Human Right, about prisons, abductions, refugees and human rights.
Mauritania and EU improve fisheries agreement After previous versions were rejected, the EU and Mauritania continue to develop an appropriate fishing agreement.
Interview exclusive avec Moussa Fall, président du Mouvement pour un Changement démocratique (MCD, membre de la COD) : ‘’Les élections programmées pour novembre n’apporteront aucune solution à la crise politique que traverse le pays’ Le Calame discusses politics with Moussa Fall, leader of opposition party MCD, and he explains his skepticism of the upcoming elections.
Banque, Mensonges et Irrégularités Noor Info reports on allegations of nespotism in Mauritanian banks.
Mauritania reeling from unprecedented flooding IRIN describes humanitarian responses to the devastation caused by flooding in Mauritania.
Morocco journalist accused of `terrorism` Aida Alami outlines Ali Anouzla’s imprisonment and the state of press freedom in Morocco.
Affaire Anouzla. Le ministère de la Communication s`adresse aux ONG Morocco’s Minister of Communication, Mustpha Khalfi, sends a letter to international NGOs to justify the arrest of journalist Ali Anouzla.
RSF condamne l`incuplation pour "terrorisme" d`Ali Anouzla et demande sa remise en liberté immédiate Reporters Without Borders calls for journalist Ali Anouzla’s immediate and unconditional release.
Les procédures judiciaires continuent contre les militants du M20F Lakome describes the questionable circumstances of the complaint against 20 February activists by Amine Baroudi, reported to be an agent of the police.
Maroc : Questions juridiques sur la naturalisation de Cheb Khaled Ibn Kafka questions the legality of Cheb Khaled’s naturalization.
Rachid O Wins Mamounia Literary Award Rachid O, a Moroccan born author who writes in French, wins Mamounia Award for his book Analphabètes, about being gay and Muslim.
Transition at a Turtle’s Pace Youssef Cherif describes a slow transition to democracy in Tunisia.
Trade unions and the construction of a specifically Tunisian protest configuration Mohamed-Salah Omri situates Tunisia’s general labor union (UGTT) in its social and political contest as a “powerbroker” of protest.
Rompons le silence assourdissant entre islamistes et modernistes et inventons une nouvelle démocratie Khadija Wöhler-Khalfallah discusses Tunisia’s political economy, the need for a more inclusive capitalism, and she offers suggestions on how this might be implemented.
Breaking Taboos: Tunisians Speak Up Against Homophobia Ahmed Medien offers a snapshot of social media responses to the country’s first conference on homosexuality.
Western Sahara
Sahara : L’Etat négocie avec les Ait Oussa pour éviter un remake du camp de Gdim Izik Mohamed Jaabouk reports that local governments are negotiating with residents of Assa in the hopes of diffusing tensions there after police were attacked and a citizen was beaten to death.
أحداث آسا على الجزيرة Al Jazeera covers the events in Assa.
Camps sahraouis de Tindouf : le Maroc critique l’action du HCR, l’Algérie lui répond Hayet Zitouni reports on accusations of misdoing from both Morocco and Algeria with regard to the Sahraoui populations living in these countries.
Recent Jadaliyya Articles on the Maghreb
Où est l’intérêt national et qui le sert ? Leyla Dakhli explores legitimacy and authority in Tunisia today. (In English here.)
A Portrait of Tunisian Artist Nicene Kossentini As part of a coproduction with Medrar TV, the visual artist Nicene Kossentini, from Sfax Tunisia, is profiled in this video. (In Arabic here.)
The Invention of Throne Day Nabil Mouline explains the symbolic significance of Morocco’s Throne Day as an act of legitimation for the monarchy.
Algerian Memories: An Interview with Henri Alleg In commemoration of the life of Algerian independence activist Henri Alleg, whose seminal work The Question exposed French torture in the former colony, Khalil Bendib publishes a 2007 interview.
Elections au Mali : Quelques réflexions sur la restauration de l`ordre Thomas Serres reflects on the implications of the recent elections in Mali, concluding that they indicate a step in the right direction. (In English here.)
المغاربة ينددون باغتصاب طفولتهم مرتَيْنِ Brahim el Guabli describes the recent demonstrations in Morocco, the first that have targeted the king’s authority directly.
Daniel`s List Ibn Kafka probes legal and diplomatic responsibility in DanielGate.
نموت ويحيا الوطن Brahim el Guabli explores the sentiments of patriotism and dedication to the homeland in Morocco.